Research in this area includes compiling and analyzing global, long-term datasets to quantify the global, weather-to-climate scale variations of the atmospheric energy and water cycle. The processes that govern the exchange of energy and water on weather to inter-decadal scales are the same processes that govern the fast climate feedbacks, so the goal is quantitative analysis of the observed variations to elucidate the workings of these processes and to infer these climate feedbacks. To infer feedbacks, new advanced statistical analysis procedures are being developed.
- Roads, J., E. Bainto, K. Masuda, M. Rodell and W.B. Rossow, 2008: GEWEX water and energy budget study. Earth Interactions, (submitted, revised).
- Rossow, W.B., J.J. Bates, Y-C. Zhang, K. Knapp, E. Duenas, J. Romanski, 2007: Analyzing the variations of the global ocean energy cycle. U.S. CLIVAR Variations, 5, 13-15.