NOAA issues BAA for advance technologies in Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Coordination
NOAA’ ‘s Office of Space Commerce is requesting white papers that could result in proposals and funded research to improve and advance technologies in Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Traffic Coordination (STC) .
OSC is interested in exploring the utility of data fusion, including but not limited to the fusion of state vectors to state vectors and observations to state vectors, and other methods to improve the states of objects and reduce ambiguity in conjunction screening results, especially in circumstances where independent data streams and supporting information may be deficient. Improvements in covariance, object accuracy and uncertainty of position, velocity and orbit are sought via unique and novel combinations of available sensors and information. This effort will include creating new strategies for handling the reconciliation of orbit states and related SSA Data from multiple independent data
OSC is also interested in exploring techniques and approaches for the management and selection of states for conjunction screening when multiple states on an object are available.
The technique or methodology must be either basic research, applied research, advanced technology development that isn’t for a particular system or piece of hardware, or demonstration and validation in order to be eligible for consideration and potential contract award.
The white paper is due May 30, 2025
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