Drs Maria Tzortziou and Jorge Corredor appointed to Ocean Research Advisory Panel
Dr. Maria Tzortziou, CESSRST-II Theme 1 Lead (Oceans & Coasts) and Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science at CCNY and Former CESSRST-1 DRS, Dr. Jorge Corredor (UPRM) are among a group of researchers appointed by the White House to its newly formed Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP).
Both Dr. Corredor and Tzortziou have extensive experience in the fields of oceanography, coastal ocean observing, biogeochemistry, marine pollution, analytical chemistry, ocean climatology and policy. In their role as members of the Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP), they will advise the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC) and provides independent recommendations to the Federal Government on matters of ocean policy.
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For more information about ORAP, please visit, https://www.noaa.gov/ocean-research-advisory-panel