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CESSRST-1 (2016) | CREST (2011)
Leave Request Form
This form is for CUNY-CREST/NOAA-CESSRST-II scientists and staff at CCNY only. Please fill out as much information as possible. Fields marked as required are mandatory.
CUNY staff (scientists/personnel) associated with CUNY-CREST Institute and/or NOAA-CESSRST-II should follow CCNY/CUNY’s time and leave guidelines. Similarly, associated RFCUNY staff should follow the RFCUNY guidelines.
This form is not for calling out sick – if you need an unplanned sick day, notify your supervisor as soon as possible, and record those dates in your timesheet. Any unexpected circumstances (such as family or personal emergency, court assignment, etc.) should be worked out as best as possible with your supervisor. For any planned, non-emergency (annual or otherwise) leave, this form must be submitted at least three weeks in advance; more advance notice is better. For annual leave, your request must be approved before you make travel plans. All approved leave needs to be recorded in the proper timesheet.
Lastly, it is recommended that all employees use their allocated annual leave, as carry-over might not be applicable/allowable in most cases; unscheduled holiday leave also expires. Please make one request here (e.g. one vacation, one personal need, one sick leave). If your situation requires being split across multiple types of leave, please choose the primary leave type, and make a note in the “description/comment” field.