CESSRST-HU faculty and graduate students are actively involved with NOAA scientists at NESDIS and the NWS in satellite data analysis, lidar development, and severe weather monitoring.
HU has the following facilities :
- Lidar Lab
- Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) antenna system,
and other remote sensing and in situ instruments as part of the CESSRST Earth System Observing Network (CESON).
Atmospheric Science is the study of the physics, chemistry and dynamics of gases, clouds and aerosols that surround the planets and moons of the solar system. Hampton University scientists are at the forefront of discovery and exploration of the Earth’s atmosphere, past, present, and future.
Planetary Science is the study of the origin and evolution of the planetary bodies in the solar system and beyond. At Hampton University, researchers study the dynamics of planetary interiors and atmospheres and the interaction of the solid planet, atmosphere and space environment at the Earth and planets within and beyond our Solar system.
- Atmospheric Science
- Planetary Science
India Miller
Undergraduate (B.S) -
John Anderson
Researcher/Mentor -
Akarshna Iyer
Masters (M.S.) -
Ruben Delgado
Campus PI (HU)